In 2017 I founded TrailBlazers - a youth empowerment initiative to help underprivileged teenage girls develop the confidence, resilience, supportive community and skills to blaze their own trails and live courageously!
I’ve been working with schools in the UK to help their girls RISE AND SHINE. The ones who need extra help and support to show them what they’re capable of and bring out the best in them! I haven’t blogged much about my journey with TrailBlazers, mainly because my energy has gone into creating, delivering and funding my program. Here’s the first blog…
In October 2019, I took 10 girls sailing for five days on a Tall Ships Youth Trust sailing adventure proudly sponsored by KEEN footwear. It was magical and lives were changed!
We stepped off the boat with a different perspective. With love in our hearts, faith in ourselves and confidence to go forth and grow into the women we know we can be. I asked the girls to capture their experiences and what it meant to them… Read on!
“‘Thank you so much to everyone who has made this experience happen and made it possible to have this much of an amazing time. Two words to describe – family and unforgettable’”
Some of us had been away with Sophie before on an adventure camp at PGL in Dorset, which really opened our eyes to being able to achieve beyond our imposed limitations. When we signed up for the Tall Ships Sailing Adventure we were excited and a bit nervous, but pretty confident we would cope. Over the 12 months between the adventure camp in Dorset and setting sail, we created a TrailBlazers club at school and meet every week. We were joined by four girls with whom we met up with in Trailblazers each week but who had not been exposed to Sophie’s approach of empowering people through adventure and challenging yourself!
Little did we know this next adventure would stretch and challenge us all in so many ways.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do rather than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover”
Our first challenge began at home – with what not to bring – sleeping quarters are tiny and less than private. Letting go of the make-up and ‘products’ was hard for some.
Second challenge was taking on responsibility. From the moment you step onboard, you are part of a team, this was itself an eye opener, if you didn’t work together the boat went nowhere! Working with people you don’t know (fabulous, self-less, tough love, giving crew!) and people you don’t necessarily hang out with normally. One of us wanted to be on a cruise ship, another wanted to go home. From realising that if you wanted a cup of tea you had to offer one to everyone and this meant that getting that cup of tea took a REALLY long time because there are 17 people! To planning meals, shopping and cooking for the whole crew, in our teams.
Another step for some; overcoming squeamishness around food preparation and reluctance around washing up. And then of course there was the never to be forgotten experience around responsible use and cleaning of on board toilets and showers…….
“‘From this trip I have learnt that gradual baby steps can lead to one big step in life and progress in any situation’”
There were 17 of us onboard the boat, living in very close quarters! There were two bunk rooms with five hammocks in each one and then another two at the back, so really it was seven people to a room. Despite this, we slept really well as often we were very tired.
Then there was the joy of learning to actually sail this magnificent boat, cleaning decks, tying knots in ropes, making coils, using winches, raising HEAVY sails. Overcoming or controlling our fears. Experiencing the open water and movement under sail was fantastic, a sense of freedom and accomplishment.
“This trip has done so much for me and I now feel like a whole new person. I feel more confident with myself and have more appreciation for the people around me. I began this voyage as an individual and have left as part of a team who all have each other’s backs”
Probably our biggest shared experience was the sense of wrap around ‘family- love’, acceptance and support. Although put in to two teams we worked as a whole. We talked and laughed, watched the stars in all their glory unhampered by the light from land, we cried. Most of all we grew in confidence in ourselves and respect for each other.
Whilst sailing on some days we did exercises like working on our values, discussing the issues at our school and how we want to create change. Sophie empowered us to understand that each and every one of us has a voice and can make a difference. We all pushed each other to go out of our comfort zones and have been able to accomplish things we never thought we could.
“My eyes have been opened and I finally realise that I have a purpose. I began this boat trip saying ‘I want to go home’, now I never want to leave, and that is the true feeling of purpose”
Our particular thanks to Sophie who pulled the whole thing together, facilitating the Tall Ship experience and enabling us to explore our capabilities, overcome our fears and develop our resilience by sharing her vision for empowerment with us. Providing us with an amazing experience which will never leave us.
From this trip I have been able to be myself and speak freely as I feel surrounded by people I trust and it’s been amazing. We have all pushed each other to go out of our comfort zones and have been able to accomplish things we never thought we could. I really appreciate the crew and Sophie for letting this trip be possible. To sum up this trip in two words it would be family and unforgettable – Emily
The past 5 days have been absolutely amazing!! I’ve loved every single second of it, waking up to going to bed. Working as a team has never been so fun and it was lovely to see everyone grow in confidence and as people. Going on the journey with them and seeing some of the girls really challenge themselves and overcoming their fears has been really lovely. The crew have all been so lovely and we’ve really become a family and formed friendships that I will always have. Seeing different sides of people as they’ve grown has to be one of the best things ever. Thank you so much to everyone who has made this experience happen and made it possible to have this much of an amazing time. I will never ever forget this!!! – Bethany :)
I have loved learning to sail, and going out on the sea. The volunteer crew are amazing. We have really developed as a team during this time. It was fun to learn something new, and I am sad to leave. I want to do more sailing. I will never forget this. The crew were really friendly, and helped/taught us so much -Hannah
From this trip I have learnt that gradual baby steps can lead to one big steps in life and progress in any situation, e.g. today, 24th October 2019, as we group we were put in charge of planning the route we took, to actually hoisting up the sails, (I helmed the boat today). The lead up to this was all about making gradual baby steps in progress each day to reach your goal, and teaching yourself that actually you cannot expect yourself to be perfect in every situation that life may throw at you; but to be proud of what baby steps you have made each day. A huge thank you to the team and Sophie for offering me this amazing opportunity, and I would be delight if someday I was asked to come back as crew, thank you x –Charlotte
From this trip I have learnt a lot about self-acceptance, friendship but also that loads of people care for me and love me for who I am. It’s been a wonderful experience to see people come out of the shell and show there true personality and what their values and beliefs are. My favourite part from this trip has to be us as a group discussing how we are going to change the views on bullying and many other things and say that it is not right and we have to change that -Megan
It’s hard to find the words to describe how this week has been for me, I came on Monday not knowing what to expect, it started off as us and them and now I feel like we are a family. Being surrounded by people with nothing but love in their hearts is the most spectacular experience of my life. My eyes have been opened and I finally realise that I have a purpose. I began this boat trip saying ‘I want to go home’, now I never want to leave, and that is the true feeling of purpose. – Lou
I’ve had an amazing and memorable week that will stick with me forever. I can’t express how grateful I am to have experienced this opportunity. I want to say a huge thank you for all the support and effort which has gone into making this happen, without the crew it would not have been the same. At first, I thought it was just a regular trip, but it’s turned out to be an unforgettable journey that I’ve shared with people I can now call family - Shannon
This voyage has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I started this trip saying I would rather be on a cruise ship however, after experiencing what life is like on the Challenger 3 I wouldn’t wish for anything else! This trip has done so much for me and I now feel like a whole new person, I feel more confident with myself and have more appreciation for the people around me. I began this voyage as an individual and have left as part of a team who all have each other’s backs. Thank you everyone who gave me this opportunity - Grace
This week has been filled with challenges, but the group have supported each other and gained a deeper respect for each individual abilities and strengths. Thank you to all but a massive hug and thanks to Sophie for pulling this voyage together and her unbelievable motivation - Colin, Youth Worker Volunteer
I am blown away by this week! I need some time to process it properly, but I am going home tomorrow with a heart full of joy from what we experienced! We are different people to the ones who came onboard on Monday and this, for me, is what life is all about. Experiences that challenge and change us, feeling unconditional love and support from people around us and being given the opportunity to change and grow and figure stuff out. I will never forget the moments we shared from singing, star gazing, laughing, learning new skills, sharing hugs, tears and heartfelt moments. Thank you all for believing in my vision and coming on board in every way. Go forth and Blaze Trails! Love Sophie xxx
I’ve had an absolutely amazing time this week thanks to both the girls and the staff onboard – has been wonderful to experience so many new things and am very proud of the girls and what they’ve achieved this week individually and also as a team! It has been a fantastic adventure and I look forward to recommending as many people as possible experience something similar – Oli (Baz) Teacher
Doing a beach clean up in Poole. Better Takes Action!
Thank you’s
Huge thank you to Colin and the Tall Ships volunteers who helped make this trip so amazing. Teaching the TrailBlazers the ropes and making sure we were safe at sea.
Thank you to KEEN Footwear for providing all the girls and crew with amazing boots to wear on our voyage. Everyone loved wearing them everyday; super comfy and practical. We also enjoyed living Keen’s philosophy ‘Better Takes Action’ which inspired us to do a beach clean up in Poole.
Thank you to Tall Ships Youth Trust for supporting me (Sophie) in my dream to take the TrailBlazers on a life-changing sailing adventure!