Every day I wake up with a fire inside driving me to crack on with my mission to fight for the change I want to see in the world. It didn’t always used to be this way. Life was the complete opposite for many years. I lived for the weekends. I felt bored and unfulfilled at work. I felt this nagging feeling inside me saying “Is this it? Is this really what you were born to do with your life?” I would spend hours sitting behind my computer, scrolling through the internet, dreaming of another way to live, another way to feel about myself and my life. But for years I didn’t do anything about it because I was too scared of failing and I didn't know how to make the change.
When my talk got cancelled because of the snow, I went out to play with my friend Jen in Leeds
As clichéd as it sounds, I know I have discovered my purpose. TrailBlazers helps people develop a strong sense of self-worth, know how to problem solve and deal with tough times, and have the courage to live your own path and not follow others. And above all, uncover that true uniqueness in every person that is dying to come out and say hi to the world. We all deserve to rise and shine, but we can’t do it alone and sometimes we need a little help. That's where the community aspect comes in. Together we are a force to be reckoned with!
Running on the beach. Rye, Sussex
Last week whilst delivering my 'Be A TrailBlazer' talk and workshop to 150 girls in a school in Kent one of the girls asked “What advice would you give to your younger self?”
I thought I'd put my answer into a blog post!
This blog is created in partnership with The Sports Edit who sell the most amazing sport and leisure wear that I have pretty much lived in this year! Links to my favourite outfits at the bottom of the blog.
TrailBlazing with Invicta Girls Grammar School
1. Stop worrying about other people's opinions
Everyday you have a set number of minutes and a set amount of energy. Use your time and energy wisely! Years down the line, you won't even remember the names or faces of the people who you cared so much about judging you! I don't remember the girls who bullied me in school.
Snowshoeing, Finland
2. Dust yourself off and keep going
Confidence doesn’t mean always having a high opinion of yourself, it means having a strong sense of self-worth, so that when life knocks you down, you can get back up again
Snowshoeing in Finland
3. Use your voice
Everyone has a voice and every voice can be amplified. This is what being empowered means to me; using your voice to make an impact, not letting others hold you back or put you down and being the only person who can define who you are and the way you live your life
“It’s your time to rise and shine. Be the change you want to see in the world”
Sunset on the summit of Snowdon
4. Have the courage to create your own map
Being a TrailBlazer is largely about committing to your journey even though you might not be able to see the end goal. I found this incredibly hard for years when I quit my job, because I was so used to aiming for a specific goal. You need to be prepared to take risks and move forward, especially when you don't know where it might lead
When it's minus 20 outside and you find a hut with a fire and hot tea! Lahti, Finland
4. Spend more time outside
You don’t have to live in the mountains to spend time outside. Fresh air, moving your body, emptying your mind from the stress and pressure of life, it’s the best mental health management tool I know of! Take control of your mind and your life by doing things that make you feel positive and confident, as this will have a knock-on effect to the rest of your life
The Lake District
5. Get the right people on your bus
Don’t be afraid to cut the rope and walk away from people or situations that are not a positive influence on your life. No-one likes change and we are wired to want to maintain control over our lives, which is often why we stick to who and what we know. “Better the devil you know”. I’ve left schools, friendship groups, career paths, jobs, relationships… it’s incredibly difficult but each time I walk away becomes a defining moment. Taking control of my life and who I want to be. Make sure you have the right people on your bus to support you and have your back when you need it
Blogging buddies in Finland
6. Stop and appreciate
Take the time to appreciate milestones and moments as you journey through life. Be aware of the pressure to always be doing more, When you think about it, where we are now was once something we could only dream of. Don’t forget to appreciate all you ARE, all you HAVE and all you are DOING
Mull of Kintyre, Scotland
7. Never strive for perfection
Perfection is an illusion! We can get so caught up in trying to be perfect that we don’t take risks or steps forward for fear of it not being ‘perfect’. Forget about that. You learn by trying, you achieve by doing, no-one ever said it had to be right first time and everyone will have a different definition of perfect anyway!
Running along the River Thames, London
8. Stop making excuses
There are a million reasons why it won’t work, you’ll fail, you are not good enough, it’s a silly idea… but all too often these excuses prevent us from finding out what we are truly capable of achieving and who we are. Decide, commit and go for it!
Lahti, Finland
9. Travel, explore, live
I'm an open minded person and I'll try most things once! My love of travel has opened my mind to so many new experiences, different ways of living and perspectives. It helps me be less judgemental and more accepting of our differences. It helps me let go of the notion that things have to be a certain way and creates space for me to rise and shine as my own true self
Incredible stretch of coastline. Mull of Kintyre, Scotland
10. Believe
Do you truly believe that you deserve to feel happy/free/loved/worthy/fulfilled? Just a few that came to mind... Or do you think that it will never happen to you. Nothing in life, NOTHING happens without you believing it can (and will) happen first
Soho, London
11. BONUS!! (Arguably the most important)
Support and lift each other up. There is enough space and light in this world for everyone to shine. Instead of jostling for the few spaces at the top, focus on carving your own path, going in a unique direction and doing all you can to support the people you meet on your journey. Empowered women, empower women!
As mentioned above, my outfits over the past few months have come from my friends at The Sports Edit I'm going to link to them all here for you to check out! They sell the most amazing clothes! I have been living in P.E Nation and the Alo Moto leggings - prefect for sport and everyday life.
Black and White Alala leggings
White Alala Long-sleeved top/hoodie
P.E Nation
P.E Nation blue stripe leggings
P.E Nation Crossfire Tank Top
P.E Nation First Gen stripe leggings
P.E Nation Hoody
Adidas Stella X McCartney Parley Boost Trainers
Alo Yoga
All Yoga High Waisted Black Moto Leggings
Alo Yoga White Long Sleeved crop top
The pictures in this blog are from some of my favourite experiences in the last few months, my job has taken me to New York, Finland, Austria, Germany and Scotland. Mostly I shoot my pictures with GoPro hero6 and edited them in Adobe Lightroom. The last picture on the blog from Soho was taken by my Marc Bates whilst we were working on a project for International Women's Day.
Much love to you all, thanks for stopping by and as ever please leave me a comment